The History of Sigma Delta Lambda
Our purpose is to raise the intellectual and cultural level, yes and the moral level also: to aid in the development of special skills to build men of courage, self-sacrifice, who are willing to develop a wise, consistent leadership toward the integration of a truly democratic society. -Jewel Henry Arthur Callis
Sigma Delta Lambda was chartered as the 930th House of Alpha on July 21, 2012. Our eight charter members felt that Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. needed to expand our national brand in the Oakland County area. These men saw the need to become involved in the community and they were committed to support the many African American students in the city. Together, these eight brothers formed what would become the first alumni chapter to be chartered in Michigan in over 25 years.
Meetings are held the third Sunday of each month at 3:00pm sharp at The University of Detroit Mercy; 4001 W. McNichols Rd. Detroit, MI 48221; Commerce and Finance Building, Room 139. Proper attire for admittance is dress slacks, coat and tie.
Community Service is the cornerstone of our chapter! 
Charter Members
Bro. Dr. Gregory Church
Bro. Dr. Rashid Faisal
Bro. Derrick L. Holland
Bro. Ronald Horsley
Bro. Reginald G. Howard
Bro. David M. Johnson, MBA
Bro. Darryl Pearson
Bro. William E. Washington